GCOV Summary for sahpi_enum_utils.c


100.00% of 140 lines executed
100.00% of 275 branches executed
100.00% of 275 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_language


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_language


100.00% of 8 lines executed
100.00% of 11 branches executed
100.00% of 11 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_texttype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_texttype


100.00% of 70 lines executed
96.18% of 157 branches executed
96.18% of 157 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_entitytype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_entitytype


100.00% of 46 lines executed
100.00% of 88 branches executed
100.00% of 88 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sensortype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sensortype


100.00% of 7 lines executed
100.00% of 9 branches executed
100.00% of 9 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sensorreadingtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sensorreadingtype


100.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 5 branches executed
100.00% of 5 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sensoreventmaskaction


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sensoreventmaskaction


100.00% of 94 lines executed
100.00% of 183 branches executed
100.00% of 183 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sensorunits


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sensorunits


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sensormodunituse


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sensormodunituse


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sensoreventctrl


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sensoreventctrl


100.00% of 9 lines executed
93.33% of 15 branches executed
93.33% of 15 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_ctrltype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_ctrltype


100.00% of 7 lines executed
100.00% of 9 branches executed
100.00% of 9 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_ctrlstatedigital


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_ctrlstatedigital


100.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 5 branches executed
100.00% of 5 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_ctrlmode


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_ctrlmode


100.00% of 14 lines executed
100.00% of 23 branches executed
100.00% of 23 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_ctrloutputtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_ctrloutputtype


100.00% of 9 lines executed
94.12% of 17 branches executed
94.12% of 17 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_idrareatype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_idrareatype


100.00% of 14 lines executed
89.66% of 29 branches executed
89.66% of 29 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_idrfieldtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_idrfieldtype


100.00% of 7 lines executed
100.00% of 9 branches executed
100.00% of 9 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_watchdogaction


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_watchdogaction


100.00% of 8 lines executed
100.00% of 12 branches executed
91.67% of 12 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_watchdogactionevent


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_watchdogactionevent


100.00% of 8 lines executed
100.00% of 12 branches executed
91.67% of 12 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_watchdogpretimerinterrupt


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_watchdogpretimerinterrupt


100.00% of 10 lines executed
100.00% of 16 branches executed
93.75% of 16 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_watchdogtimeruse


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_watchdogtimeruse


100.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 5 branches executed
100.00% of 5 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_hsindicatorstate


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_hsindicatorstate


100.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 5 branches executed
100.00% of 5 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_hsaction


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_hsaction


100.00% of 8 lines executed
100.00% of 11 branches executed
100.00% of 11 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_hsstate


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_hsstate


100.00% of 10 lines executed
94.44% of 18 branches executed
94.44% of 18 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_severity


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_severity


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_resourceeventtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_resourceeventtype


100.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 5 branches executed
100.00% of 5 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_domaineventtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_domaineventtype


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_sweventtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_sweventtype


100.00% of 12 lines executed
100.00% of 19 branches executed
100.00% of 19 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_eventtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_eventtype


100.00% of 7 lines executed
100.00% of 9 branches executed
100.00% of 9 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_statuscondtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_statuscondtype


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_annunciatormode


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_annunciatormode


100.00% of 10 lines executed
100.00% of 15 branches executed
100.00% of 15 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_annunciatortype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_annunciatortype


100.00% of 9 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
100.00% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_rdrtype


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_rdrtype


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_parmaction


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_parmaction


100.00% of 7 lines executed
100.00% of 9 branches executed
100.00% of 9 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_resetaction


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_resetaction


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
100.00% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_powerstate


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_powerstate


100.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 5 branches executed
100.00% of 5 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_eventlogoverflowaction


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_eventlogoverflowaction


100.00% of 25 lines executed
88.14% of 59 branches executed
88.14% of 59 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_error


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_error


100.00% of 17 lines executed
100.00% of 30 branches executed
96.67% of 30 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_lookup_eventcategory


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 13 branches executed
84.62% of 13 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_encode_eventcategory


100.00% of 1109 lines executed
98.82% of 1608 branches executed
93.97% of 1608 branches taken at least once
No calls in file sahpi_enum_utils.c