GCOV Summary for ohpi.c


100.00% of 7 lines executed
83.33% of 6 branches executed
83.33% of 6 branches taken at least once
40.00% of 5 calls executed


100.00% of 7 lines executed
83.33% of 6 branches executed
83.33% of 6 branches taken at least once
40.00% of 5 calls executed


100.00% of 14 lines executed
48.15% of 27 branches executed
48.15% of 27 branches taken at least once
20.75% of 53 calls executed


100.00% of 7 lines executed
83.33% of 6 branches executed
83.33% of 6 branches taken at least once
40.00% of 5 calls executed


84.62% of 13 lines executed
66.67% of 12 branches executed
66.67% of 12 branches taken at least once
36.36% of 11 calls executed


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 4 branches executed
100.00% of 4 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 1 calls executed


100.00% of 13 lines executed
48.00% of 25 branches executed
48.00% of 25 branches taken at least once
22.00% of 50 calls executed


100.00% of 7 lines executed
83.33% of 6 branches executed
83.33% of 6 branches taken at least once
40.00% of 5 calls executed


100.00% of 10 lines executed
85.71% of 7 branches executed
85.71% of 7 branches taken at least once
50.00% of 6 calls executed


90.00% of 10 lines executed
71.43% of 7 branches executed
71.43% of 7 branches taken at least once
50.00% of 6 calls executed


96.81% of 94 lines executed
64.15% of 106 branches executed
64.15% of 106 branches taken at least once
27.89% of 147 calls executed