GCOV Summary for el_utils.c


100.00% of 13 lines executed
100.00% of 1 branches executed
0.00% of 1 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 1 calls executed


100.00% of 6 lines executed
100.00% of 2 branches executed
100.00% of 2 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 2 calls executed


69.70% of 33 lines executed
78.57% of 14 branches executed
64.29% of 14 branches taken at least once
70.00% of 10 calls executed


20.00% of 35 lines executed
10.53% of 19 branches executed
10.53% of 19 branches taken at least once
0.00% of 8 calls executed


100.00% of 14 lines executed
100.00% of 7 branches executed
85.71% of 7 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 3 calls executed


94.29% of 35 lines executed
91.67% of 24 branches executed
87.50% of 24 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 4 calls executed


100.00% of 14 lines executed
100.00% of 3 branches executed
100.00% of 3 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 2 calls executed


60.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 2 branches executed
50.00% of 2 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_el_overflowreset


76.47% of 17 lines executed
62.50% of 16 branches executed
56.25% of 16 branches taken at least once
33.33% of 12 calls executed


82.61% of 23 lines executed
70.59% of 17 branches executed
70.59% of 17 branches taken at least once
42.86% of 14 calls executed


85.71% of 7 lines executed
71.43% of 7 branches executed
71.43% of 7 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_el_timeset


60.00% of 5 lines executed
100.00% of 2 branches executed
50.00% of 2 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_el_setgentimestampflag


74.40% of 207 lines executed
69.30% of 114 branches executed
62.28% of 114 branches taken at least once
51.79% of 56 calls executed