GCOV Summary for sahpi_event_utils.c


100.00% of 31 lines executed
82.76% of 29 branches executed
72.41% of 29 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 7 calls executed


88.89% of 45 lines executed
84.85% of 33 branches executed
72.73% of 33 branches taken at least once
69.23% of 13 calls executed


100.00% of 96 lines executed
100.00% of 99 branches executed
98.99% of 99 branches taken at least once
No calls in function oh_valid_eventstate


100.00% of 5 lines executed
85.71% of 7 branches executed
71.43% of 7 branches taken at least once
100.00% of 2 calls executed


97.18% of 177 lines executed
93.45% of 168 branches executed
88.10% of 168 branches taken at least once
81.82% of 22 calls executed