6.7. IPMI Plugin
The IPMI plugin provides access to resources in IPMI capable systems including Management Controllers (MC), sensors and system event log (SEL).
The openHpi plug-in requires OpenIPMI library be installed since it serves as the middle-ware to accessing the IPMI hardware. Currently, we're using the CVS up-to-date code of OpenIPMI.
The IPMI plug-in can be tested using the examples/list_resources program as well as the HPI utils in the util directory. Currently, GET functions are enabled and tested for sensors and SEL.
6.7.1. Prerequisites
The IPMI plug-in can be enabled using the --enable-ipmi flage to the ./confiure script.
Before compiling the IPMI plug-in, the OpenIPMI library needs to be installed and available on the system. You can get OpenIPMI from the OpenIPMI web site. Though, getting the latest code from CVS is advised.
6.7.2. Configuration
Currently, the OpenHPI IPMI plug-in supports both "SMI" and "LAN" access methods to IPMI hardware. Below is an example "SMI" configuration stanza:
plugin libipmi handler libipmi { name="smi" addr="0" entity_root = "{ROOT,0}{SYSTEM_CHASSIS,0}" }
And this is an example "LAN" configuration stanza:
plugin libipmi handler libipmi { name = lan addr = "IP.ADDRESS.HERE" port = "IPMI LAN PORT NUMBER" auth_type = "STRAIGHT, MD2 or MD5" auth_level= "USER, OPERATOR or ADMIN" username = "YOUR_USER_NAME" password = "YOUR_PASSWORD" entity_root = "{SYSTEM_CHASSIS,0}" }