SNMP BladeCenter/RSA Status
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HPI Function | Notes |
saHpiVersionGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiSessionOpen | |
saHpiSessionClose | |
saHpiDiscover | |
saHpiDomainInfoGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiDrtEntryGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiDomainTagSet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiRptEntryGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiResourceSeveritySet | |
saHpiResourceTagSet | |
saHpiResourceIdGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiEventLogInfoGet | |
saHpiEventLogEntryGet | |
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd | Hardware does not allow user events to be added to log |
saHpiEventLogClear | |
saHpiEventLogTimeGet | Infra-structure gets time thru saHpiEventLogInfoGet internally |
saHpiEventLogTimeSet | |
saHpiEventLogStateGet | Infra-structure gets state thru saHpiEventLogInfoGet internally |
saHpiEventLogStateSet | |
saHpiEventLogOverflowReset | |
saHpiSubscribe | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiUnsubscribe | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiEventGet | |
saHpiEventAdd | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiAlarmGetNext | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiAlarmGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiAlarmAdd | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiAlarmDelete | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiRdrGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiSensorReadingGet | |
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet | |
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet | |
saHpiSensorTypeGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiSensorEnableGet | |
saHpiSensorEnableSet | Hardware currently has no sensors that can be disabled defined |
saHpiSensorEventEnableGet | |
saHpiSensorEventEnableSet | Hardware currently has no writable event defined |
saHpiSensorEventMasksGet | |
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet | Hardware currently has no writable event masks defined |
saHpiControlTypeGet | Supported in Infra-structure code |
saHpiControlGet | |
saHpiControlSet | |
saHpiIdrInfoGet | |
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet | |
saHpiIdrAreaAdd | Hardware currently has no writable inventory defined |
saHpiIdrAreaDelete | Hardware currently has no writable inventory defined |
saHpiIdrFieldGet | |
saHpiIdrFieldAdd | Hardware currently has no writable inventory defined |
saHpiIdrFieldSet | Hardware currently has no writable inventory defined |
saHpiIdrFieldDelete | Hardware currently has no writable inventory defined |
saHpiWatchdogTimerGet | Hardware does not support accessible watchdogs |
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet | Hardware does not support accessible watchdogs |
saHpiWatchdogTimerReset | Hardware does not support accessible watchdogs |
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiAnnunciatorGet | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet | Hardware currently has no defined annunciators |
saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiResourceActiveSet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiResourceInactiveSet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiHotSwapStateGet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiHotSwapActionRequest | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet | Hardware supports simple hot-swap model |
saHpiParmControl | Hardware does not persist user-set information |
saHpiResourceResetStateGet | |
saHpiResourceResetStateSet | |
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet | |
saHpiResourcePowerStateSet |