3.6. Test Cases

3.6.1. General Functions Implementation Version Checking

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
version saHpiVersionGet() saHpiVersionGet_T1 Match the test code version to the HPI implementation version Both versions match

3.6.2. Domain Functions Session Management

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
session_open saHpiSessionOpen() saHpiSessionClose() saHpiSessionOpen_T1 The DomainID exists (SAHPI_DEFAULT_DOMAIN) saHpiSessionOpen() returns SA_OK
saHpiSessionOpen_T2 The DomainID does not exist saHpiSessionOpen() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DOMAIN
saHpiSessionOpen() saHpiSessionOpen_T3 Passing in a non-NULL pointer for security parameters saHpiSessionOpen() returns an error
saHpiSessionOpen_T4 Passing in a NULL pointer for sessionID saHpiSessionOpen() returns an error
saHpiSessionClose() saHpiSessionClose_T1 Pass in an invalid SessionID saHpiSessionClose() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION
saHpiSessionClose_T2 Close the same session twice in a row saHpiSessionClose() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION
saHpiSessionClose_T3 Close a session saHpiSessionClose() returns SA_OK
saHpiDiscover() saHpiDiscover_T1 The SessionId exist saHpiDiscover() returns SA_OK
saHpiDiscover_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID saHpiDiscover() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION Domain Discovery

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
domain_discovery saHpiDomainInfoGet() saHpiDomainInfoGet_T1 Retrieve information from each domain. saHpiDomainInfoGet() returns SA_OK
saHpiDomainInfoGet_T2 Pass an invalid SessionID saHpiDomainInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION
saHpiDomainInfoGet_T3 Set DomainInfo to NULL saHpiDomainInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiDrtEntryGet() saHpiDrtEntryGet_T1 Retrieve Drt entries for all of the domains. saHpiDrtEntryGet() returns an error
saHpiDrtEntryGet_T2 Pass an invalid SessionID. saHpiDrtEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION
saHpiDrtEntryGet_T3 Pass in an invalid EntryId. saHpiDrtEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT
saHpiDrtEntryGet_T4 Pass in a NULL pointer for DrtEntry. saHpiDrtEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiDrtEntryGet_T5 Pass in a NULL pointer to NextEntryId. saHpiDrtEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiDrtEntryGet_T6 Pass in EntryId with the SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY value. saHpiDrtEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiDomainTagSet() saHpiDomainTagSet_T1 Set a DomainTag on each Domain, and then restore them. saHpiDomainTagSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiDomainTagSet_T2 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiDomainTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiDomainTagSet_T3 Pass in a NULL pointer for DomainTag. saHpiDomainTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiDomainTagSet_T4 Set the DomainTag->DataType to an out-of-range value. saHpiDomainTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiDomainTagSet_T5 Set the DomainTag->DataType to SAHPI_TL_TYPE_TEXT and the DomainTag->Language to an out-of-range value. saHpiDomainTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiDomainTagSet_T6 Use a invalid character for the DomainTag->DataType in the data field. saHpiDomainTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS. Resource Presence Table

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
rpt_entry_process saHpiRptEntryGet() saHpiRptEntryGet_T1 Track an entire list of entries. Call the function first with EntryID of SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY and then use the returned NextEntryID in the next call. Proceed until the NextEntryID returned is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiRptEntryGet_T2 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiRptEntryGet_T3 Pass in an invalid EntryId. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiRptEntryGet_T4 Attempt to get an entry when the Resource Presence Table is empty. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiRptEntryGet_T5 Pass in an NULL pointer to RptEntry. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRptEntryGet_T6 Pass in an NULL pointer to NextRptId. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRptEntryGet_T7 Pass in EntryId with the SAHPI_LAST_ENTRYvalue. saHpiRptEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId() saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId_T1.c Get the RPT Entry by the ResourceId. saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId() returns SA_OK, and the entry associates with the ResourceId is returned.
saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId_T2.c Call saHpiRptEntryGet while passing in an invalid Session ID. saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId_T3.c Pass in a bad ResourceId. saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId() returns an error.
saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId_T4 Pass in a NULL pointer for RptEntry. saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRptEntryGetByResourceId_T5 Compare the Report vs. which we received from the saHpiRptEntryGet call. EntryId matches with both calls. Both functions return successful.
saHpiResourceSeveritySet() saHpiResourceSeveritySet_T1 Set severity level of event issued when the resource unexpectedly becomes unavailable to the HPI. saHpiResourceSeveritySet() returns SA_OK, and Severity is set to the Entry.
saHpiResourceSeveritySet_T2 Call saHpiResourceSeveritySet while passing in an invalid Session ID. saHpiResourceSeveritySet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourceSeveritySet_T3 Pass in a bad ResourceId. saHpiResourceSeveritySet() returns an error.
saHpiResourceSeveritySet_T4 Pass in an invalid value for Severity. saHpiResourceSeveritySet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourceTagSet() saHpiResourceTagSet_T1 Set resource tag for a particular resource. saHpiResourceTagSet() returns SA_OK, and ResourceTag is set to the Entry.
saHpiResourceTagSet_T2 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiResourceTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourceTagSet_T3 Pass in a NULL pointer for ResourceTag. saHpiResourceTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourceTagSet_T4 Set the ResourceTag->DataType to an out-of-range value. saHpiResourceTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourceTagSet_T5 Set the ResourceTag->DataType to SAHPI_TL_TYPE_TEXT and the ResourceTag->Language to an out-of-range value. saHpiResourceTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourceTagSet_T6 Use a invalid character for the ResourceTag->DataType in the data field. saHpiResourceTagSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
self_resourceID_get saHpiResourceIdGet() saHpiResourceIdGet_T1 Get the resource ID of the resource associated with the entity upon which the caller is running. saHpiResourceIdGet() returns SA_OK/SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT/SA_ERR_HPI_UNKNOWN based on hardware environment.
saHpiResourceIdGet_T2 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiResourceIdGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION
saHpiResourceIdGet_T2 Pass in a NULL pointer for ResourceId. saHpiResourceIdGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS Event Log Management

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
event_log_process saHpiEventLogInfoGet() saHpiEventLogInfoGet_T1 Get the information of event log. (entry number, total size, timestamp, etc) saHpiEventLogInfoGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventLogInfoGet_T2 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogInfoGet() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogInfoGet_T3 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogInfoGet_T4 Pass in a NULL pointer for Info. saHpiEventLogInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogInfoGet_T5 Call saHpiEventLogInfoGet() on a resource which does not support events. saHpiEventLogInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet() saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T1 Retrieve an entire list of entries going forward in the log. EntryId: First: SAHPI_OLDEST_ENTRY Then: returned NextEntryID Until: NextEntryID returned is SAHPI_NO_MORE_ENTRIES. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_OK, and entire list of entries is tracked forward.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T2 Retrieve an entire list of entries going backward in the log. EntryId: First: SAHPI_NEWEST_ENTRY Then: returned PreEntryID Until: PreEntryID returned is SAHPI_NO_MORE_ENTRIES. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_OK, and entire list of entries is tracked backward.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T4 Pass in a NULL pointer for Entry ID. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T5 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T6 Pass in an NULL pointer for PrevEntryId. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T7 Pass in an NULL pointer for NextEntryId. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T8 Pass in an NULL pointer for EventLogEntry. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T9 Pass in EntryId set to SAHPI_NO_MORE_ENTRIES. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryGet_T10 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogEntryGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T1 Add entries to the system event log. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_OK. The entry will be added.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T2 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T3 Pass in an NULL pointer for EvtEntry. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T4 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T5 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T6 In the EvtEntry Structure set the type to SAHPI_ET_HPI_SW and the Source to SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_RESOURCE_ID. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T7 Pass in a value for EvtEntry->Severity which is out-of-range. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T8 Set the text buffer type in the User Event Structure to an out-of-range value. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T9 Use an unsupported character in the User Event Structure data for the given type. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogEntryAdd_T10 Set the Language of the User Event Structure to an out-of-range value. saHpiEventLogEntryAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogClear() saHpiEventLogClear_T1 Erase the contents of the specified system event log. saHpiEventLogClear() returns SA_OK, and the event log specified is cleared.
saHpiEventLogClear_T2 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogClear() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogClear_T3 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogClear() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogClear_T4 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogClear() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogStateGet() saHpiEventLogStateSet() saHpiEventLogStateGet_Set_T1 Set the event log enable state. Enable = SAHPI_TRUE. saHpiEventLogStateSet() returns SA_OK, and event log enable state changes to Enable.
saHpiEventLogStateGet_Set_T2 Set the event log enable state Enable = SAHPI_FALSE. saHpiEventLogStateSet() returns SA_OK, and event log enable state changes to Disable.
saHpiEventLogStateGet() saHpiEventLogStateGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogStateGet() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogStateGet_T4 Pass in an NULL pointer for Enable. saHpiEventLogStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogStateGet_T5 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogStateGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogStateSet() saHpiEventLogStateSet_T7 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogStateSet() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogStateSet_T8 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogStateSet_T9 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
event_log_time saHpiEventLogTimeSet() saHpiEventLogTimeSet_T1 Set event log's time clock. Time <= SAHPI_TIME_MAX_RELATIVE. saHpiEventLogTimeSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventLogTimeSet_T2 Set event log's time clock. Time>SAHPI_TIME_MAX_RELATIVE. saHpiEventLogTimeSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventLogTimeSet_T3 Set event log's time clock Time = SAHPI_TIME_UNSPECIFIED. saHpiEventLogTimeSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventLogTimeSet_T4 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogTimeSet() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogTimeSet_T5 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogTimeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogTimeSet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogTimeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogTimeGet() saHpiEventLogTimeGet_T1 Retrieves the current time frame the event log's own time clock. saHpiEventLogTimeGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventLogTimeGet_T2 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogTimeGet() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogTimeGet_T3 Pass in an NULL pointer for Time. saHpiEventLogTimeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventLogTimeGet_T4 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogTimeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogTimeGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogTimeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
event_log_overflow saHpiEventLogOverflowReset() saHpiEventLogOverflowReset_T1 Erase the contents of the specified system event log. saHpiEventLogOverflowReset() returns SA_OK, and the event log specified is cleared.
saHpiEventLogOverflowReset_T2 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiEventLogOverflowReset() returns an error.
saHpiEventLogOverflowReset_T3 Pass in an invalid Session ID. saHpiEventLogOverflowReset() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventLogOverflowReset_T4 Call on a resource which does not support event logs. saHpiEventLogOverflowReset() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiEventLogOverflowReset_T5 Call on a implementation which does not support overflow reset of the event logs. saHpiEventLogOverflowReset() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD. Events

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
events saHpiSubscribe() saHpiSubscribe_T1 Subscribe for session events. No subscription is in place for the session. ProvideActiveAlarms = true. saHpiSubscribe() returns SA_OK. Active alarms should be queued for future retrieval.
saHpiSubscribe_T2 Subscribe for session events. No subscription is in place for the session. ProvideActiveAlarms = false. saHpiSubscribe() returns SA_OK. Active alarms should not be queued for future retrieval.
saHpiSubscribe_T3 Subscribe for session events A subscription is already in place for the session. saHpiSubscribe() returns SA_ERR_HPI_DUPLICATE.
saHpiSubscribe_T4 Pass an in invalid Session ID. saHpiSubscribe() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiUnsubscribe() saHpiUnsubscribe_T1 Remove the subscription for the session. The events in the session are subscribed. saHpiUnsubscribe() returns SA_OK.
saHpiUnsubscribe_T2 Remove the subscription for the session. The events in the session are not subscribed. saHpiUnsubscribe() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiUnsubscribe_T3 Pass an in invalid Session ID. saHpiUnsubscribe() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventGet() saHpiEventGet_T1 Get an event. Timeout != SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE and Timeout != SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK. saHpiEventGet returns SA_OK/SA_HPI_TIMEOUT.
saHpiEventGet_T2 Get an event. Timeout = SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE. saHpiEventGet returns SA_OK/SA_HPI_TIMEOUT.
saHpiEventGet_T3 Get an event. Timeout = SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK. saHpiEventGet returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventGet_T4 Get an event. rpt_entry != NULL && rdr != NULL; rpt_entry = NULL && rdr != NULL; rpt_entry != NULL && rdr = NULL; rpt_entry = NULL && rdr = NULL saHpiEventGet returns SA_OK.
saHpiEventGet_T5 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiEventGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventGet_T6 Pass in an NULL pointer for Event. saHpiEventGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventAdd() saHpiEventAdd_T1 Add a dummy event to each domain. Read back the event to make sure it is there. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_OK and the new event has been added.
saHpiEventAdd_T2 Call saHpiEventAdd() with NULL for EvtEntry pointer. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventAdd_T3 Event structure passed via the EvtEntry parameter is not an event of type SA_HPI_ET_USER with the Source field being SAHPI_UNSPECIFIED_RESOURCE_ID. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventAdd_T4 Event Structure passed via the EvtEntry parameter has an invalid Severity. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventAdd_T5 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiEventAdd_T6 SaHpiTextButterT structure passed in as a part of the User Event structure passed via the EvtEntry parameter has an invalid DataType. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventAdd_T7 SaHpiTextButterT structure passed in as a part of the User Event structure passed via the EvtEntry parameter has invalid characters in the data field for the given DataType. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiEventAdd_T8 SaHpiTextButterT structure passed in as a part of the User Event structure passed via the EvtEntry parameter has a Language which is not one of the enumerated values for the given DataType. saHpiEventAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS. Domain Alarm Table

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
domain_alarm_table saHpiAlarmGetNext() saHpiAlarmGetNext_T1 Add a User Alarm to each domain and make sure that it could be read. Erase the alarm after the test. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_OK. Each Domain will successfully returns the User alarm.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T2 Two User Alarms are set in each domain. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_OK. Each Domain will successfully returns the User alarms in order set.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T3 Two User Alarms are set in each domain. Each Alarm is different. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_OK. Each Domain will successfully skips the first alarm and returns the second User Alarm which meets the criteria.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T4 Pass an in invalid Session ID. saHpiSubscribe() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T5 Severity is not set to one of the valid enumerated values for this type. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T6 Alarm parameter is passed in as NULL. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T7 Save off and clear all of the alarms in each domain. Call saHpiAlarmGetNext(). Restore the alarms. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T8 Pass in a Alarm structure which has a mismatched AlarmId and Timestamp. saHpiAlarmGetNext() returns SA_ERR_INVALID_DATA
saHpiAlarmGetNext_T9 Test AlarmId for match with SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY and SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. returns SA_OK, and AlarmId never matches SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY or SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY.
saHpiAlarmGet() saHpiAlarmGet_T1 Add a User Alarm to each domain and make sure that it could be read. Erase the alarm after the test. saHpiAlarmGet() returns SA_OK. Each Domain will successfully returns the User alarm.
saHpiAlarmGet_T2 Pass in a bad AlarmId. saHpiAlarmGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAlarmGet_T3 Alarm parameter is passed in as NULL. saHpiAlarmGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAlarmGet_T4 Pass an in invalid Session ID. saHpiAlarmGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() saHpiAlarmAcknowledge_T1 In each domain, create an un-acknowledged User Alarm and call saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() to acknowledge it. saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() returns SA_OK and the alarm is showed to be acknowledged in the next saHpiAlarmGet() call.
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge_T2 In each domain create two un-acknowledged user alarms with the same severity and call saHpiAlarmAcknowledge () to acknowledge both of them. saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() returns SA_OK and the alarms are showed to be acknowledged in the next saHpiAlarmGet() call.
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge_T3 Pass in a bad AlarmId. saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge_T4 set AlarmId to SAHPI_ENTRY_UNSPECIFIED, and the Severity is not one of the valid enumerated values for this type. saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge_T5 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAlarmAcknowledge_T6 In each domain create two un-acknowledged user alarms with different severities and call saHpiAlarmAcknowledge () to acknowledge only one severity. saHpiAlarmAcknowledge() returns SA_OK and the only the alarm of the selected severity showed to be acknowledged in the next saHpiAlarmGet() call.
saHpiAlarmAdd() saHpiAlarmAdd_T1 Add n User Alarm to each domain and make sure that it could be read. Erase the alarm after the test. saHpiAlarmAdd() returns SA_OK and the new event has been added.
saHpiAlarmAdd_T2 Pass in NULL for Alarm pointer. saHpiAlarmAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiAlarmAdd_T3 Set the Alarm severity to an unsupported value. saHpiAlarmAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiAlarmAdd_T4 Set the Alarm->AlarmCond.type to something else other than SAHPI_STATUS_COND_TYPE_USER saHpiAlarmAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiAlarmAdd_T5 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAlarmAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAlarmAdd_T6 Add an new User Alarm and test the returned value for AlarmId and Timestamp AlarmId and Timestamp are set to a new value.
saHpiAlarmDelete() saHpiAlarmDelete_T1 In each domain, create an User Alarm and call saHpiAlarmDelete() to remove it. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_OK and the alarms are removed
saHpiAlarmDelete_T2 In each domain create two user alarms with the same severity and call saHpiAlarmDelete() to remove both of them. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_OK and the alarms are removed
saHpiAlarmDelete_T3 Pass in a bad AlarmId. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAlarmDelete_T4 set AlarmId to SAHPI_ENTRY_UNSPECIFIED, and the Severity is not one of the valid enumerated values for this type. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAlarmDelete_T5 Pass an in invalid Session ID. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAlarmDelete_T6 In each domain create two user alarms with different severities and call saHpiAlarmDelete() to remove only one severity. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_OK and the only the alarm of the selected severity is deleted in the next saHpiAlarmGet() call.
saHpiAlarmDelete_T7 Attempt to delete a non-user alarm. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY
saHpiAlarmDelete_T8 If a non-user alarm exist, create a user alarm with the same severity. Attempt to delete all of the alarms with that severity. saHpiAlarmDelete() returns SA_OK, but the non-user alarm is not removed.

3.6.3. Resource Functions Resource Data Record (RDR) Repository Management

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
rdr_get saHpiRdrGet() saHpiRdrGet_T1 Retrieve an entire list of RDRs. EntryId: First: SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, Then: returned NextEntryID, Until: NextEntryID returned is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_OK, and entire list of RDRs is tracked.
saHpiRdrGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiRdrGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiRdrGet() returns an error.
saHpiRdrGet_T4 Pass in an invalid EntryId. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiRdrGet_T5 Pass in a NULL pointer for NextEntryId. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRdrGet_T6 Pass in a NULL pointer for Rdr. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRdrGet_T7 Call saHpiRdrGet() on a resource which doesn't support Rdr's. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiRdrGet_T8 Pass in an EntryId = SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiRdrGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T1 Retrieve an entire list of RDRs by the InstrumentId. For each Rdr retrieved, retrieve it again by calling it InstrumentId. Compare the returned rdr's for a match. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_OK, and retrieves the same rdr as the previous saHpiRdrGet() call.
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns an error.
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T4 Pass in a un-enumerated RdrType. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T5 Pass in an unsupported RdrType for this resource. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T6 Pass in RdrType = SAHPI_NO_RECORD. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T7 Pass in an invalid InstrumentId. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T8 Pass in a NULL pointer for Rdr. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS
saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId_T9 Call saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() on a resource which does not have RDR records. saHpiRdrGetByInstrumentId() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY. Sensor Functions

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
sensor_reading_get saHpiSensorReadingGet() saHpiSensorReadingGet_T1 Retrieve a sensor reading. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiSensorReadingGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorReadingGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorReadingGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorReadingGet_T5 Call saHpiSensorReadingGet() on a disabled sensor. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiSensorReadingGet_T6 Call saHpiSensorReadingGet() on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorReadingGet_T7 Pass in NULL for the Reading and EventState pointers. saHpiSensorReadingGet() returns SA_OK.
sensor_thresholds saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_Set_T1 Set the specified thresholds for the given sensor. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T5 Pass in an NULL pointer for SensorThresholds. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T6 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() on a sensor which IsAccessible field in the SaHpiSensorThdDefnT structure is set to FALSE. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T7 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() on a sensor which ReadThold field in the SaHpiSensorThdDefnT structure is set to 0. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T8 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() on a sensor which is not a threshold type. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiSensorThresholdsGet_T9 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorThresholdsGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T10 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T11 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T12 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T13 Pass in an NULL pointer for SensorThresholds. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T14 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() on a sensor which IsAccessible field in the SaHpiSensorThdDefnT structure is set to FALSE. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T15 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() on a sensor which WriteThold field in the SaHpiSensorThdDefnT structure is set to 0. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T16 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() on a sensor which is not a threshold type. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T17 Call saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T18 Set thresholds out of order so there is a conflict. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T19 Set Thresholds out of range. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiSensorThresholdsSet_T20 Set Thresholds with a negative hysteresis value. saHpiSensorThresholdsSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
sensor_type_get saHpiSensorTypeGet() saHpiSensorTypeGet_T1 Retrieve the sensor type and event category for the specified sensor. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiSensorTypeGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorTypeGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorTypeGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorTypeGet_T5 Pass in an NULL pointer for Category. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiSensorTypeGet_T6 Pass in an NULL pointer for Type. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiSensorTypeGet_T7 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
sensor_enable saHpiSensorEnableGet() saHpiSensorEnableSet() saHpiSensorEnableGet_Set_T1 Set the disable or enable status for individual sensor. saHpiSensorEnableSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiSensorEnableGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiSensorEnableGet() saHpiSensorEnableGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorEnableGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorEnableGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorEnableGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorEnableGet_T5 Pass in an NULL pointer for SensorEnabled. saHpiSensorEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiSensorEnableGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorEnableSet() saHpiSensorEnableSet_T7 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorEnableSet_T8 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorEnableSet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorEnableSet_T9 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorEnableSet_T10 Call on a sensor which does not support changing the enable status. saHpiSensorEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiSensorEnableSet_T11 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
sensor_event_enable saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() saHpiSensorEventEnableGet_Set_T1 Set the disable or enable event message generation status for individual sensor events. saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() saHpiSensorEventEnableGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorEventEnableGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorEventEnableGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorEventEnableGet_T5 Pass in an NULL pointer for SensorEventsEnabled. saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiSensorEventEnableGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorEventEnableGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() saHpiSensorEventEnableSet_T7 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorEventEnableSet_T8 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorEventEnableSet_T9 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorEventEnableSet_T10 Call on a sensor which does not support changing the event enable status. saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiSensorEventEnableSet_T11 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorEventEnableSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
sensor_event_masks saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() saHpiSensorEventMasksGet_Set_T1 Change the sensor assert and deassert event masks. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() saHpiSensorEventMasksGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorEventMasksGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorEventMasksGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorEventMasksGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorEventMasksGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T6 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T7 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns an error.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T8 Pass in an invalid SensorNum. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T9 Call on a sensor which does not support changing the masks settings. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T10 Call on a resource which does not support sensors. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T11 Pass in a Action parameter which is out of range. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T12 Pass in a Action parameter = SAHPI_SENS_ADD_EVENTS_TO_MASKS, and the AssertEventMask includes a bit for an event state that is not supported by the sensor. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiSensorEventMasksSet_T13 Pass in a Action parameter = SAHPI_SENS_ADD_EVENTS_TO_MASKS, and the DeassertEventMask includes a bit for an event state that is not supported by the sensor. saHpiSensorEventMasksSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA. Controls

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
control_type_get saHpiControlTypeGet() saHpiControlTypeGet_T1 Retrieve the control type of a control object. saHpiControlTypeGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiControlTypeGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiControlTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiControlTypeGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiControlTypeGet() returns an error.
saHpiControlTypeGet_T4 Pass in an invalid CtrlNum. saHpiControlTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiControlTypeGet_T5 Pass in an NULL pointer for Type. saHpiControlTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiControlTypeGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support controls. saHpiControlTypeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
control_state saHpiControlGet() saHpiControlSet() saHpiControlGet_Set_T1 Set the state of the specified control object. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiControlGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiControlGet() saHpiControlGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiControlGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiControlGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiControlGet() returns an error.
saHpiControlGet_T4 Pass in an invalid CtrlNum. saHpiControlGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiControlGet_T5 Address a control which is a text control, and the line number passed in CtrlState->StateUnion.Text.Line does not exist in the control and is not SAHPI_TLN_ALL_LINES. saHpiControlGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiControlGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support controls. saHpiControlGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiControlGet_T7 Call on a control which is a write-only control, as indicated by the WriteOnly flag in the control's RDR. saHpiControlGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiControlSet() saHpiControlSet_T8 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiControlSet_T9 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiControlSet() returns an error.
saHpiControlSet_T10 Pass in an invalid CtrlNum. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiControlSet_T11 Pass in an NULL pointer for CtrlState, and CtrlMode is not equal to SAHPI_CTRL_MODE_AUTO. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiControlSet_T12 Pass in an invalid CtrlState Type. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiControlSet_T13 Call on a resource which does not support controls. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiControlSet_T14 Call on a control which is a read-only control. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiControlSet_T15 Set Analog out of range. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiControlSet_T16 Set DataLength and Line so that it overflows the remaining text control space. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiControlSet_T17 Set DataType so that it does not match what is in the RDR. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiControlSet_T18 Set the Language so that it does not match what is in the RDR. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiControlSet_T19 Set CtrlMode to an invalid value. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiControlSet_T20 Set Digital to an invalid value. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS..
saHpiControlSet_T21 Set StreamLength greater than SAHPI_CTRL_MAX_STREAM_LENGTH. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiControlSet_T22 Pass in invalid characters in the text buffer structure for the particular Text.DataType. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiControlSet_T23 Call SAHPI_CTRL_STATE_PULSE_ON on a control which is already on. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiControlSet_T24 Call SAHPI_CTRL_STATE_PULSE_OFF on a control which is already off. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiControlSet_T25 Pass in an invalid CtrlState for the specified control. saHpiControlSet() returns an error.
saHpiControlSet_T26 Write out a zero length string. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_OK, and the whole line is cleared.
saHpiControlSet_T27 Write a string which is greater than the size of the line. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_OK and the string wraps onto the next line.
saHpiControlSet_T28 Write out SAHPI_TLN_ALL_LINES, and a Data length of 0. All Lines are cleared and saHpiControlSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiControlSet_T29 Call on a control which is a read-only control. saHpiControlSet() returns SA_OK and functions normally. Inventory Data Repositories

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
inventory_data saHpiIdrInfoGet() saHpiIdrInfoGet_T1 Write the specified data to the inventory information area. saHpiIdrInfoGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrInfoGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID.. saHpiIdrInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrInfoGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId saHpiIdrInfoGet() returns an error.
saHpiIdrInfoGet_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrInfoGet_T5 Set the IdrInfo pointer to NULL. saHpiIdrInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrInfoGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrInfoGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
inventory_area saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T1 Retrieve all of the Area Headers. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns an error.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T6 Area Type is set to SAHPI_IDR_AREATYPE_UNSPECIFIED, and the area specified by the AreaId parameter does not exist in the IDR. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T7 Area Type is set to a specific area type, but an area matching both the AreaId parameter and the AreaType does not exist. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T8 AreaType is invalid. saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T9 AreaId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T10 AreaId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T11 The NextAreaId pointer is NULL saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet_T12 The Header pointer is NULL saHpiIdrAreaHeaderGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd() saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T1 Add in a new IDR area. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns an error.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T6 Area Type is set to SAHPI_IDR_AREATYPE_UNSPECIFIED. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T7 AreaId is set to NULL. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T8 Call on a IDR which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T9 AreaId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T10 AreaId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T11 The NextAreaId pointer is NULL. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaAdd_T12 The Header pointer is NULL. saHpiIdrAreaAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete() saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T1 In each resource which supports IDR's, add in a new IDR area, and then remove it with this call. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns an error.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T6 AreaID is set to a non-existent area value in the specified IDR. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T7 Call on a IDR which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T8 Call on a IDR which contains a read-only field. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T9 Call on a IDR area which is read-only. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T10 AreaId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrAreaDelete_T11 AreaId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrAreaDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
inventory_field saHpiIdrFieldGet() saHpiIdrFieldGet_T1 For each IDR, get all of the fields in all of the areas. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns an error.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T6 Area identified by AreaId is not present. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T7 FieldType is set to a SAHPI_IDR_FIELDTYPE_UNSPECIFIED, and the field specified by the FieldId parameter does not exist in the IDR Area. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T8 FieldType is set to a specific field type, but a field matching both the FieldId parameter and the FieldType parameter does not exist. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T9 IDR is set to a non-existent value. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T10 FieldType is set to a value which is not one of the valid enumerated values for this type. saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T11 AreaId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T12 AreaId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T13 FieldId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T14 FieldId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T15 The NextFieldId pointer is NULL saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldGet_T16 The Field pointer passed is NULL saHpiIdrFieldGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd() saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T1 Add in a new IDR field in each IDR area. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns an error.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T6 Area identified by Field->AreaId does not exist within the IDR. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T7 Field is set to NULL saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T8 Call on a IDR which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T9 Call on a Area which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T10 Set the Field->Type to an out of range value. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T11 Set the Field->Type to SAHPI_IDR_FIELDTYPE_UNSPECIFIED. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T12 Pass in an Invalid Text Buffer in the Field structure. Set the Data Type out-of-range. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T13 Pass in an Invalid Text Buffer in the Field structure.Pass in invalid characters in the data field for the specified type. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldAdd_T14 Pass in an Invalid Text Buffer in the Field structure. Set the Language out-of-range. saHpiIdrFieldAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldSet() saHpiIdrFieldSet_T1 Set a field in each IDR area to a new value. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns an error.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T6 Area identified by Field->AreaId does not exist within the IDR. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T7 Field is set to NULL saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T8 Call on a IDR which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T9 Call on a Area which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T10 Call on a Field which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T11 Set the Field->Type to an out of range value. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T12 Set the Field->Type to SAHPI_IDR_FIELDTYPE_UNSPECIFIED. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T13 Pass in an Invalid Text Buffer in the Field structure. Set the Data Type out-of-range. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T14 Pass in an Invalid Text Buffer in the Field structure.Pass in invalid characters in the data field for the specified type. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldSet_T15 Pass in an Invalid Text Buffer in the Field structure. Set the Language out-of-range. saHpiIdrFieldSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete() saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T1 In each resource which supports IDR's, add in a new IDR area, and then remove it with this call. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_OK.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns an error.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T4 Pass in an invalid IdrId. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T5 Call on a resource which does not support IDR's. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T6 AreaID is set to a non-existent area value in the specified IDR. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T7 Call on a IDR which is READ_ONLY. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T8 Call on a IDR field which is read only. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T9 Call on a IDR area which is read-only. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T10 AreaId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T11 AreaId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T12 FieldId is SAHPI_LAST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiIdrFieldDelete_T13 FieldId is SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY. saHpiIdrFieldDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS. Watchdog Timer

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
watchdog_timer saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() saHpiWatchdogTimerGet_Set_T1 Provides a method for initializing the watchdog timer configuration, and restart the watchdog timer. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns SA_OK. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() returns SA_OK.
saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() saHpiWatchdogTimerGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiWatchdogTimerGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns an error.
saHpiWatchdogTimerGet_T4 Pass in an invalid WatchdogNum. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiWatchdogTimerGet_T5 Pass in a NULL pointer for Watchdog. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiWatchdogTimerGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support watch dog timers. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T7 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T8 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns an error.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T9 Pass in an invalid WatchdogNum. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T10 Pass in a NULL pointer for Watchdog. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T11 Call on a resource which does not support watch dog timers. saHpiWatchdogTimerGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T12 Pass in Watchdog with the TimerUse is out-of-range. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T13 Pass in Watchdog with the TimerAction is out-of-range. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T14 Pass in Watchdog with the PretimerInterrupt is out-of-range. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiWatchdogTimerSet_T15 Pass in Watchdog->PreTimeoutInterval as a greater value than Watchdog->InitialCount. saHpiWatchdogTimerSet() returns SA_HPI_INVALID_DATA.
saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() saHpiWatchdogTimerReset_T1 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiWatchdogTimerReset_T2 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() returns an error.
saHpiWatchdogTimerReset_T3 Pass in an invalid WatchdogNum. saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiWatchdogTimerReset_T4 Call on a resource which does not support watch dog timers. saHpiWatchdogTimerReset() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY. Annunciators

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
annunciators saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T1 Get all of the Annunciators in all of the domains. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T4 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T5 Set the Announcement pointer to NULL. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns SA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T6 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T7 Pass in a Severity which is out-of-range. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns SA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext_T8 Pass in an invalid time on a known AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorGetNext() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet() saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T1 Retrieve all of the Annunciators individually. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T4 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T6 Pass in a EntryId which is not contained in the Annunciator. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorGet_T7 Set the Announcement pointer to NULL. saHpiAnnunciatorGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T1 Create a new announcement and acknowledge it. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T2 Create a new announcement and acknowledge it twice in a row. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T3 Pass in an invalid SessionId. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T4 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T5 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T6 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T7 Pass in a EntryId which is not contained in the Annunciator. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge_T8 Set EntryId to SAHPI_ENTRY_UNSPECIFIED and Severity out-of-range. saHpiAnnunciatorAcknowledge() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd() saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T1 Add in a new announcement to each annunciator. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T2 Add one new announcement. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns SA_OK, TimeStamp is updated, and the AddedByUserField is set to True.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T3 Pass in an invalid SessionId. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T4 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T5 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T6 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T7 Pass in a Announcement->Severity set to an out-of-range value. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T8 Pass in Announcement as NULL saHpiAnnunciatorAdd returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T9 Set the annunciator to auto mode. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiAnnunciatorAdd_T10 Pass in an invalid Announcement->StatusCond structure. saHpiAnnunciatorAdd() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T1 In each resource which supports annunciators, add in a new annunciators area, and then remove it with this call. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T4 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T5 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T6 Pass in a EntryId which is not contained in the Annunciator. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T7 Call on a Annunciator which is in auto mode. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
saHpiAnnunciatorDelete_T8 Set the EntryId to SAHPI_ENTRY_UNSPECIFIED and the Severity to an out-of-range value. saHpiAnnunciatorDelete() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet_T1 Retrieve mode for all of the annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet_T4 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet_T6 Pass in NULL pointer for Mode. saHpiAnnunciatorModeGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T1 Set all Annunciator modes to a new value and back. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceId. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns an error.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T4 Pass in an invalid AnnunciatorNum. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support Annunciators. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T6 Pass in a Mode value which is out-of-range. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet_T7 Call on an Annunciator which does not permit mode changing. saHpiAnnunciatorModeSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY. Managed Hotswap

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
hotswap_policy saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel() saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel_T1 When there is an insertion or extraction pending, cancel the default policy for this Hot Swap device. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel() returns SA_OK.
saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel_T4 Call on a resource which is not in the Insertion or Extraction Pending state. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel_T5 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel) returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
resource_active saHpiResourceActiveSet() saHpiResourceInactiveSet() saHpiResourceActiveSet_T1 Signal that the resource should now transition into ACTIVE/HEALTHY or ACTIVE/UNHEALTHY state. saHpiResourceActiveSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiResourceInactiveSet_T1 Signal that the resource should now transition into INACTIVE state. saHpiResourceInactiveSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiResourceActiveSet() saHpiResourceActiveSet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiResourceActiveSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourceActiveSet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiResourceActiveSet() returns an error.
saHpiResourceActiveSet_T4 Call on a resource which is not in the Insertion or Extraction Pending state. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiResourceActiveSet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel) returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiResourceInactiveSet() saHpiResourceInactiveSet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiResourceInactiveSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourceInactiveSet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiResourceInactiveSet() returns an error.
saHpiResourceInactiveSet_T4 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiResourceInactiveSet) returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiResourceInactiveSet_T5 Call on a resource which is not in the Insertion or Extraction Pending state. saHpiResourceInactiveSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
auto_insert_timeout saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet() saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet() saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet_Set_T1 Configure a timeout for how long to wait before the default auto-insertion policy is invoked. Timeout = SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet() returns SA_OK. The autonomous handling is proceeded immediately.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet_Set_T2 Configure a timeout for how long to wait before the default auto-insertion policy is invoked. Timeout != SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE and Timeout != SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet() returns SA_OK. The autonomous handling is not proceeded until Timeout.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet_Set_T3 Configure a timeout for how long to wait before the default auto-insertion policy is invoked. Timeout = SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet() returns SA_OK. The autonomous handling is never proceeded.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet() saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet_T5 Pass in a NULL pointer for Timeout. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet() saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet_T7 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet_T8 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet_T9 Pass in a Timeout value which is negative and not equal to SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK or SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAutoInsertTimeoutSet_T10 Call against a domain which the auto-insert is fixed with the SAHPI_DOMAIN_CAP_AUTOEXTRACT_READ_ONLY flag in the DomainInfo structure. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
auto_extract_timeout saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet() saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_Set_T1 Configure a timeout for how long to wait before the default auto-extraction policy is invoked. Timeout = SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_OK. The autonomous handling is proceeded immediately.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_Set_T2 Configure a timeout for how long to wait before the default auto-extraction policy is invoked. Timeout != SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE and Timeout != SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_OK. The autonomous handling is not proceeded until Timeout.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_Set_T3 Configure a timeout for how long to wait before the default auto-extraction policy is invoked. Timeout = SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_OK. The autonomous handling is never proceeded.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet() saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_T5 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet() returns an error.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_T6 Pass in a NULL pointer for Timeout. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet() returns an error.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet_T7 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet_T8 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet_T9 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns an error.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet_T10 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet_T11 Pass in a Timeout value which is negative and not equal to SAHPI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK or SAHPI_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet_T12 Call against a domain which the auto-insert is fixed with the SAHPI_DOMAIN_CAP_AUTOEXTRACT_READ_ONLY flag in the DomainInfo structure. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_READ_ONLY.
hotswap_state_get saHpiHotSwapStateGet() saHpiHotSwapStateGet_T1 Retrieve the current hot swap state of a resource. saHpiHotSwapStateGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiHotSwapStateGet_T2 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiHotSwapStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiHotSwapStateGet_T3 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiHotSwapStateGet() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapStateGet_T4 Pass in a NULL pointer for State. saHpiHotSwapStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiHotSwapStateGet_T5 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiAutoExtractTimeoutSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
hotswap_action_request saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() saHpiHotSwapActionRequest_T1 Invoke an insertion process via software. Action = SAHPI_HS_ACTION_INSERTION. saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() returns SA_OK.
saHpiHotSwapActionRequest_T2 Invoke an extraction process via software. Action = SAHPI_HS_ACTION_EXTRACTION. saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() returns SA_OK.
saHpiHotSwapActionRequest_T3 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiHotSwapActionRequest_T4 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapActionRequest_T5 Pass in an invalid Action. saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiHotSwapActionRequest_T6 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiHotSwapActionRequest() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
hotswap_indicator_state_process saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_Set_T1 Set the state of the hot swap indicator associated with the specified resource. State = SAHPI_HS_INDICATOR_OFF. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns SA_OK. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_Set_T2 Set the state of the hot swap indicator associated with the specified resource. State = SAHPI_HS_INDICATOR_ON. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns SA_OK. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_T3 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_T4 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_T5 Pass in a NULL pointer for State. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_T6 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet_T7 Call on a resource which does not support the indicator on a given resource. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet_T8 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet_T9 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet_T10 Pass in an invalid State. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns an error.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet_T11 Call on a resource which does not support managed Hot Swap. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet_T12 Call on a resource which does not support the indicator on a given resource. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY. Configuration

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
parm_control ssaHpiParmControl() saHpiParmControl_T1 Restore the factory default settings for a specific resource. Action = SAHPI_DEFAULT_PARM. saHpiParmControl() returns SA_OK.
saHpiParmControl_T2 Stores the resource configuration parameters in non-volatile storage. Action = SAHPI_SAVE_PARM. saHpiParmControl() returns SA_OK.
saHpiParmControl_T3 Restores resource configuration parameters from non-volatile storage. Action = SAHPI_RESTORE_PARM. saHpiParmControl() returns SA_OK.
saHpiParmControl_T4 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiParmControl() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiParmControl_T5 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiParmControl() returns an error.
saHpiParmControl_T6 Pass in an invalid Action. saHpiParmControl() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiParmControl_T7 Call on a resource which does not support parameter control. saHpiParmControl() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY. Reset Management

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
resource_reset_state_process saHpiResourceResetStateGet() saHpiResourceResetStateSet() saHpiResourceResetStateGet_Set_T1 Perform a 'Cold Reset' on the entity, leaving reset de-asserted. ResetAction = SAHPI_COLD_RESET. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns SA_OK, or SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD if resource has no reset control. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_OK, or SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD if resource has no reset control.
saHpiResourceResetStateGet_Set_T2 Perform a 'Warm Reset' on the entity, leaving reset de-asserted. ResetAction = SAHPI_WARM_RESET. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns SA_OK, or SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD if resource has no reset control. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_OK, or SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD if resource has no reset control.
saHpiResourceResetStateGet_Set_T3 Put entity into reset state and hold reset asserted. ResetAction = SAHPI_RESET_ASSERT. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns SA_OK, or SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD if resource has no reset control. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_OK, or SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD if resource has no reset control.
saHpiResourceResetStateGet() saHpiResourceResetStateGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourceResetStateGet_T5 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns an error.
saHpiResourceResetStateGet_T6 Pass in a NULL pointer for ResetAction. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourceResetStateGet_T7 Call on a resource which does not support reset control. saHpiResourceResetStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet() saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T8 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T9 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() returns an error.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T10 Pass in an invalid ResetAction. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T11 Call on a resource which does not support reset control. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T12 Pass in a ResetAction of SAHPI_RESET_ASSERT when the resource does not support this action. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_CMD.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T13 Pass in a ResetAction of SAHPI_WARM_RESET when reset is currently asserted. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST.
saHpiResourceResetStateSet_T14 Pass in a ResetAction of SAHPI_COLD_RESET when reset is currently asserted. saHpiResourceResetStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_REQUEST. Power Management

Script Name HPI API to Test Test Case ID Description Expected Behavior
power_management saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_Set_T1 Set the current power state of the FRU associated with the specified resource. State = SAHPI_HS_POWER_OFF. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_Set_T2 Set the current power state of the FRU associated with the specified resource. State = SAHPI_HS_POWER_ON. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_Set_T3 Set the current power state of the FRU associated with the specified resource. State = SAHPI_HS_POWER_CYCLE. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns SA_OK. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns SA_OK.
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_T4 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_T5 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns an error.
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_T6 Pass in a NULL pointer for State. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourcePowerStateGet_T7 Call on a resource which does not support power management. saHpiResourcePowerStateGet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.
saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() saHpiResourcePowerStateSet_T8 Pass in an invalid SessionID. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_SESSION.
saHpiResourcePowerStateSet_T9 Pass in an invalid ResourceID. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns an error.
saHpiResourcePowerStateSet_T10 Pass in an invalid State. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS.
saHpiResourcePowerStateSet_T11 Call on a resource which does not support power management. saHpiResourcePowerStateSet() returns SA_ERR_HPI_CAPABILITY.